Southend to London Advance tickets

Book early for the cheapest train fares.

By purchasing an Advance ticket, you’re able to choose the best time to travel at the lowest available fare. The Southend to London Advance ticket, for travel to London Liverpool Street, offers fares from as little as £6. With Advance tickets, the earlier you book the more you could save. See full details about how to buy and tips for getting the best deals on Advance tickets.

Plan ahead for a great value day out

Why travel with Advance tickets?

  • Tickets are priced as single leg fares so you can choose the lowest available price for each leg of your journey (out and back)
  • You book to travel at your specified time
  • Railcard and Child discounts apply to all Advance fares (see Railcard Discounts below for details on which Railcards are valid)
  • You can check out our First Class Advance fares - they are often cheaper than you might expect
  • Get the best deal - book well in advance and travel at off-peak times

Check details and book early as Advance tickets are subject to limited availability and may not be available on every train.

Advance tickets are normally released 12 weeks before the departure date of the train.

You must travel on your booked service or the ticket will not be valid.

Check out our 2FOR1 deals when traveling to London.

Onward travel

It’s possible to buy additional tickets for your onward travel. For travel around London, you can buy a One Day Travelcard or use an Oyster Card or contactless payment card. For full details please see the TfL website

Railcard discounts

16-25, Senior, Two Together, HM Forces and Disabled Persons Railcard holders can save 1/3 on First and Standard Class Advance tickets. Family and Friends Railcard holders can save 1/3 on all Standard Class Advance tickets.

How to buy your Advance ticket


To find the cheapest Advance fares available simply enter your journey details into the ‘buy tickets’ search engine

Buy tickets online

You can receive your tickets by First Class post (please allow five working days for delivery) or collect your pre-paid tickets from ticket machines at participating stations.

Greater Anglia Advance tickets are also available as Print Your Own and Mobile tickets, so you don't need to wait for them to be posted or have to collect them at stations!

Over the phone

Booking tickets over the phone couldn’t be easier. Simply call the Greater Anglia Contact Centre on 0345 600 7245.

Via our app

You can now book tickets on one of our apps. Some routes where Advance tickets are available will also allow your ticket to be sent to your phone.

Download our app