Prices from
Each Way
From Whittlesea
To Beccles
No booking fees!

*Based on a return fare.

We run trains between Whittlesea and Beccles up to 1 times per hour on weekdays. For the latest train timetables between Whittlesea and Beccles, please use our journey planner.

We have several ticket types for many of our journeys from Off-Peak singles to flexible Season tickets. Regular travellers can also save up to a third with some of our railcards. Visit our dedicated page(s) to find out more about our tickets and savings.


Journey information from Whittlesea to Beccles

What time does the first train leave from Whittlesea to Beccles?

The first train departs Whittlesea for Beccles at 05:58. You can book your tickets in advance online.

The information above refers only to travel between Monday to Friday, and weekends may differ. For weekend timetable information, please use our journey planner.

What time does the last train leave from Whittlesea to Beccles?

The last train departs Whittlesea for Beccles at 19:58.

The information above refers only to travel between Monday to Friday, and weekends may differ. For weekend timetable information, please use our journey planner.

How many trains per day are there from Whittlesea to Beccles?

There are approximately 12 trains between Whittlesea to Beccles per day. This may vary on bank holidays.

The information above refers only to travel between Monday to Friday, and weekends may differ. For weekend timetable information, please use our journey planner.

How much does a train ticket from Whittlesea to Beccles cost?

Ticket prices start at just £18.20 one-way based on a return fare and you won't need to pay a booking fee if you book directly with Greater Anglia.

Prices may differ depending on off-peak/peak travel times for some of our routes and whether you have a railcard.

Is there Wi-Fi on the Whittlesea to Beccles train?

There is Wi-Fi on all train services.

Can I travel on Greater Anglia’s new trains from Whittlesea to Beccles?

We’ve introduced new trains on every single route we operate. And in 2023, we’ll have transformed our entire fleet with new spacious trains .

Can I book assistance for my journey from Whittlesea to Beccles?

Yes, you can discuss and book assistance ahead of your journey between Whittlesea to Beccles.

We recommend booking at least two hours before you travel. Find out more about Passenger Assist .


  • Car park
  • Ticket machine
  • Wifi
  • Seated area available


  • Prepurchase collection
  • Car park
  • Ticket machine