Carbon Calculator

Looking to reduce your carbon footprint? Use our handy carbon calculator to find out the eco-friendly benefits of swapping the car for the train on your next journey.

You’ll see how much CO2 each mode of transport will emit on your specific journey and the savings you could make by switching.

(NB Of course, you’re never likely to actually take a plane to get to your nearest city if you live 20 miles away but we have included planes so that you can compare for longer journeys in the UK where domestic flights operate.)

Carbon Calculator

The calculations are based on:


0.04115kg CO2e / pass. km. This is derived from the DEFRA CO2e emissions factor for electric trains.


0.18084kg CO2e / pass. km. This is derived from the DEFRA CO2e emissions factor for an average petrol car.


0.25493kg CO2e / pass. km. This is derived from the DEFRA CO2e emissions factor for a domestic flight.


Is calculated using Google Distance Matrix.